Holy Sh*t...I'm Having Twins!: The Definitive Guide to Remaining Calm When You're Twice as Freaked Out $15

About Gift

Eleven years ago, Elizabeth Lyons wrote the bestselling, definitive, side-splittingly funny guide to managing multiples in the first year. Ready or Not...Here We Come! The REAL Experts' Guide to the First Year with Twins stayed at the top of the charts for nearly a decade. 
Since then, times have changed—and so has navigating Year One with twins (or any baby, for that matter). 
Holy Sh*t...I'm Having Twins! features the very best of Lyons’ hard-won advice, updated and expanded for today’s modern twin moms and dads. If raising one newborn was a workout (and it is), raising two (or more) is like competing in an Ironman…backward…while wearing banana slippers. Well-meaning friends will try to prepare you for the endurance event that lies ahead, but only a seasoned parent, writer and mom of twins (who has three additional kids to boot) can do it with the honest, belly-laugh humor you need to stay sane. 


5.5 x 0.7 x 8.5 inches
288 pages

