Freedom from Diet Prison Masterclass $570

About Gift

Only by seeing the prison constructed in our minds can we begin to dismantle it: UNTRAPPED grants you this clarity. This program is the bridge between body hatred and full embodiment; between restricting, food guilt, and bingeing to a relaxed and peaceful relationship with food; from exercise as punishment or payment to joyful, life-affirming movement. UNTRAPPED is a journey of deep and meaningful change.


In UNTRAPPED we delve deeply into the intricate chains keeping you attached to destructive patterns of relating to food, exercise, and your body that you learned in diet prison . We teach you exactly how to get out for good; not to temporarily ‘escape,’ but to free yourself forever. UNTRAPPED guides you to live without restrictive dieting and diet-think, to enjoy intuitive and natural eating, to embrace meaningful and joyful movement, and to nurture a truly respectful and caring relationship with your body.

