About Gift
With six backrest positions, padded armrests, and high-density foam padding, "backpack chair" only begins to describe the Ventura Portable Reclining Stadium Seat, a lightweight and highly-portable stadium chair, beach chair, game chair, and straight-up recliner! The lightweight steel frame, sturdy polyester canvas, water-resistant bottom, large exterior zipper pocket, and adjustable shoulder straps make this your go-to travel chair! This stadium seat is perfect for sports spectating in comfort, whether you're watching the pros or your kids (future pros). Thanks to the adjustable backpack straps, this chair can be taken with you everywhere in total comfort. Its armrests also invert up to 20 inches to add width to the seat, if needed. Explore its six backrest positions to find the perfect groove for your aching back. Whatever you're doing, the Ventura Seat elevates kicking back.