The Choco Challenge 2.0 - White Chocolate with World's Hottest Peppers $25

About Gift

  •  Our 2nd spicy challenge, White Lightning, features the world’s spiciest mini white chocolate bar and is fired up by 12 of the deadliest peppers in the world, all grown in mad scientist Smokin’ Ed Currie’s secret garden of devilish delights! 
  • Hand-selected to pair with white chocolate, our insanely spicy 12-pepper blend comes from Smokin’ Ed Currie’s secret garden, aka PuckerButt Pepper Co.’s testing grounds for developing the world’s hottest peppers. Peppers include Chocolate Reaperuga, The Razor, Chocolate Bhutlah, Chocolate Reaperano, 7 Pot Douglas Brown X Reaper, Chocolate Bhut X Reaper, and 6 more. 
  •  Our spicy challenge bar is cholesterol-free, gluten-free, grain-free trans-fat free and contains no extracts (Contains milk, soy, and traces of peanuts). Do not eat if you have any allergies to spicy foods, nightshades, or capsaicin. If you get burned up, try eating some bread or drinking some milk. Eat at your own risk, you maniacs. 
  •  Fuego Spice Co. has partnered with Feeding America and will donate 50 MEALS PER BAR SOLD to local food banks throughout the U.S. We've already raised over 650,000 meals; help us get to 1 Million! Given these challenging times, more than ever are going hungry and in need of help. 
  • We strive to create spicy challenges that give back to those most in need. So at least you’re burning your ass off for a good reason. With over $150,000 donated to fight prostate cancer and over 650,000 meals donated to food banks, The Choco Challenge is just getting started.  


4 x 4 x 2.5 inches
1.59 Ounces

