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Reviewed by OB/GYN’s & Chiropractors. Won awards from Baby Maternity Magazine, Mom’s Choice and the New York Baby Show. Other pregnancy pillow brands can’t say that. Cozy Bump's extra thick bed allows you to feel secure as you're lying on the pillow in the pool or bed. Other prenatal brands are thin and you can feel your pregnant stomach touching the ground.
The patented decline in the leg section of the pillow allows gravity to kick in and decompress your spine. Other maternity cushions don’t have a decline so there is no back support.
The adjustable bump allows you to adjust the size of the hole in sleeper to fit your tummy. If you need an even larger hole for your body, you can flip the bed over to find your comfort.
Float and rest in the pool or ocean. Blow up the Cozy Bump easily with an air pump (sold separately) and use it alternately as a raft.
How to use:
1 Make sure to fill up both chambers to MAX capacity before using the Cozy Bump.
2 Once you are ready to lay down start by kneeling on the lower leg section, then slowly make your way to the center of the bed and lay yourself down carefully.
3 Position your body with your belly directly in the center of the opening. Allow your hips to rest on the elevated air chamber. If you feel pressure on your belly simply release some of the air in the Bump section of the mattress. This allows for different alternatives as your bump grows. If not positioned correctly you may experience pressure on your low back.
4 The mattress is 6 feet long however, if your feet are still touching the floor you can simply place a pillow under them to provide additional comfort.
5 To change position or get off the cozy bump, return yourself to a kneeling position and place your left or right knee along side the mattress and onto the floor or any surface cozy bumps being used on, once you have your balance push yourself up to get off. If you don't feel like you can get up by yourself make sure someone is there to help you.